Main idea of the project is to create innovative pedagogical and teaching methods which will be based on digital technologies. The aim of our idea is to learn and encourage educators/teachers and students to collaborate and use technology in a creative and effective way. In present education systems in most of the EU countries, it is becoming very challenging for teachers to motivate students to learn the material presented in the classroom. Surveys made in the project partners secondary schools, in the phase of project idea development, just prove the well-known fact that students easily “get bored” by the academic content presented in formal education process. Traditional teaching methods are focused on providing facts; however, having access to and consuming a lot of information isn’t learning. Being informed isn’t the same as being educated. Virtual Reality (VR) can motivate students towards academic achievement. By using of VR technology, teachers can attract the attention of students to developed VR education material and make studying process exciting and more effective. VR is on the doorstep of education, and without a doubt, it’ll change the world as we know it. New school classrooms will be technologically advanced places of learning, with VR technology, that will allow significantly increasing of students’ engagement and learning. The present limits can be notified in the lack of necessary IT equipment, as well as lack of teachers’ skills in ability of the underlying technology to customise the material on such way that it can be easier to implement VR material as a part of the class curriculum.