This document is a good sample for the new approach towards establishing of strategic partnership in transnational cooperation among different socio-economical organisations (local body, education institutions, civil sector and SME) with the aim to ensure implementation of innovative and good practices in education process.

The main aim is to determine new ICT based education approaches (Open education resources, Augmented reality and Virtual reality based education software etc.) and its implementation in specially created non-formal education activities in project partners secondary schools. Implementation of the activities that were foreseen in the created Action plan ensured that acquired acknowledgement of experienced project partners developed in many previously realised EU projects was given as concrete Activities with concrete time framework with included necessary financial means necessary for their realisation. Also, it includes concrete future steps of cooperation among involved project partners especially towards applying of the developed of project ideas in foreseen actions in front of EU funds and other potential donors.

With development of this Action plan a variety of innovative education methods as well as good practices were taken into consideration as possibilities for improvement of education processes in project partners secondary schools but also foreseen activities were based on project ideas suitable for implementation in other secondary schools on local, regional and national level.

The Action plan is available for free online downloading from project web site by any interested stakeholders and will be presented on each of the Final National Dissemination events.